1. What is Royal Jelly and where does it come from? Royal jelly is a milky-white secretions mixture of flower nectars, sugars, proteins, and vitamins made from worker bees to help maintain the development of the Queen bee. Because these secretions are the only source of food that the Queen bee is fed, hence it’s name, Royal Jelly. As an exclusive food source for the Queen bee, Royal Jelly enables her to live up to six years while other worker bees have a life span of six weeks. 2. What is Royal Jelly used for? Royal jelly can be used as an anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-biotic, tonic, nutritive, and anti aging for the body and the skin. Royal Jelly contains natural gelatin and can help produce natural collagen for bones, joints, tendons and skin. Royal Jelly also has nutrients that are necessary for keeping the eyes healthy among with other benefits such as, sexual improvement of both male and female, increase stamina, perseverance, and energy. Royal Jelly can be used for its great source of protein and can also be an excellent source of natural steroid for body builders and marathon runners. 3. What do medical experts think about Royal Jelly? For centuries, Royal jelly has been prescribed by doctors and dermatologists all over the world. Recent popularity of natural health alternatives has brought Royal Jelly to the forefront of dietary supplements. Now more then ever, doctors are beginning to take Royal Jelly for themselves and acknowledging their natural benefits. 4. Who can take Royal Jelly? Everyone who doesn’t have an allergic reaction to Honey can take royal jelly including children over the age of one. 5. Will Royal Jelly promote weight gain? No. Royal jelly promotes weight loss as it is showing in studies that it can boost the body metabolism. 6. Can Royal Jelly be taken if I am allergic to pollen or bee sting? Yes, since pollen is a product made from plants and bee sting is the venom of the bee, whereas Royal jelly is food made from bees, it should be okay for you to take Royal Jelly. However, if you are prone to allergies, you may also be sensitive to an array of other substances, including Royal Jelly. If you have any concerns about taking Royal Jelly, we recommend you consult with your healthcare professional. 7. Can Royal Jelly be taken with other vitamins? Yes, since Royal jelly is a natural food substance, it will not interfere with other regular vitamins. As a matter of fact, Royal Jelly is often recommended to take in combination with B12 and Vitamin C. 8. What are some of the elements and vitamins found in Royal Jelly? 50 different types of natural steroids, Sex hormones, adrenal steroids, The pantothenic acid, Decanoic acid (10-HDA-2 which is anti cancer), Anti-aging compounds, Estrogen, progestrogen, Zinc, Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Copper, Sodium, traces of vitamin C, phosphates, Phospholipds, Genetic DNA/RNA, and Cellular Catalysts,. 9. How soon can I expect result after taking Royal Jelly? Because each person is different, the results may vary. Some may see results within weeks while others may take as long as months to see the beneficial affects of Royal jelly . 10. Is Royal Jelly safe to take when pregnant? Royal Jelly is safe to take when pregnant unless you are allergic to honey. However, we encourage pregnant or nursing women to consult with their doctor or a healthcare professional before taking any dietary supplements, including Royal Jelly. Because Royal Jelly is filled with natural nutrients, there are many pregnant and nursing women who take Royal Jelly and have found that it helps keep their bodies nutritionally strong during these times. |